Aspect Ratio & Format: 1.53:1 Anamorphic Widescreen
Weight : 420g
Special Feature
- Commentary by Park Chan-wook (Film Director), Lee Dong-jin (Film Critic) Subtitles : Korean, English - Commentary by Bong Joon-ho (Film Director), Kim Young-jin (Film Critic) - DVD Commentary Ver. Subtitles : Korean, English - Martin Scorsese on the Housemaid - Directors on Kim Ki-young Subtitles : Korean, English, French, Japanese - The Box of Death(No Sound) - I am a Truck
Additional information
The hero, a composer, has an immoral relation to a maid. The maid is jealous of his wife and gives vent to her bad temper to him. When the hero rebukes her, she asks him for dying together for love. The hero langYuishes. His wife, who doesn't know about it, wants to dismiss the maid. Her husband is at a loss. Finally he ends his faults with a double sYuicide with her.