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[DVD]Snake In The Eagles Shadow (sale

List Price : US $ 26.91

Our Price : US $ 10.34

You Save : US $ 16.57 ( 61.58 % ▼ )

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Special Feature

- Interactive Menu
- Scene Selection
- Bonus Trailers

Additional information

It's toward the end of the Ching Dynasty in China and a 200 year old feud
known as the deadly Eagle Claw society have eliminated all styles except
the Snake Fist style of martial arts. An evil Eagle Claw master known as Lord
Sheng Kuan (Hwang Jang-lee) is obsessed with eliminating any member of
the Snake Fist schools, so him and his clan go out to hunt down the last
practitioner of the Snake Fist, Grandmaster Pai Cheng-cheh ("Simon" Yuen
Siu-tien). Pai Cheng-cheh goes into hiding disguised as a beggar looking for
his last surviving student not knowing that he was killed by Lord Sheng
he also doesn't know that the city he's hiding in is infested with Lord Sheng
Kuan's men. One day, an abused poor orphan named Chien Fu (Jackie
Chan) "who can't fight and has no friends except for his cat" finds Pai Cheng-
cheh being bullied around by rivals of the Eagle Claw school, he goes to
help him. After that incident, Pai Cheng-cheh decides to teach him the Snake
Fist style so he can defend himself when trouble arrives but will that be
enough to stop Lord Sheng Kuan and his men?